
Veneers can correct the look of the teeth aesthetically so they belong into the category cosmetic or aesthetic dentistry. These filmy, individual ceramic shells are being applied on the surface of teeth. This process is minimal-invasive as only the outside surface of the tooth, the enamel is being removed. Enamel can reproduce itself therefore no final damage is added to the tooth. Also there is no drilling when applying them they are being glued. Thanks to the used material (porcelain) veneers last long and are very resistant. Many optical disorders can be solved with it.

Which beauty flaws can be covered with direct veneers?

  • Tooth shape problems
  • Gaps
  • Tooth cracks
  • Dis-colorization
  • Tooth edge fractures
  • Inclined teeth

The advantages:

  • Minimal invasive without any risk
  • Metal-free
  • Don’t discolor
  • Are robust and scratch-proof
  • Appear like real teeth
  • Are long-lasting


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